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Need urgent help?

If you feel at risk or can't keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help:

Call 999
and ask for an ambulance to take you to A&E.
Mental health emergencies are serious.
You're not wasting anyone's time.

If you need urgent support but don't want to go to A&E, you could:

  • call Samaritans on freephone 116 123 – they're always open and are there to listen.
  • text 85258 to contact Shout - a free, confidential, anonymous text support service.
  • contact NHS 111 (England) or NHS Direct 0845 46 47 (Wales)
  • contact your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment (which may be offered remotely due to coronavirus)

If you're not feeling in crisis, but want to access professional support:

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