Partnering with Leapers is easy, if you’re aligned with our goals - which you can read more about here.
+ Signpost to our community so we can support your audience - we’ll help you write a guest blog post or provide you with assets to show your commitment to improving awareness.
+ Publish our resources via your channels - access our content for your site for a small donation to support our work, we can work with you to create a one or more regular content which is hosted on your channels, such as a blog, social or internal networks.
+ Create something new - work with us on something unique, such as a wellbeing portal for your community, white-labelled or self-branded content, or bespoke services you own, the fee from which goes to support our work.
We've built a safe space for people to share, so are very careful in how we allow commercial interests into our community
+ Become a marketplace advertiser: from £250/month to appear as promoted content in our marketplace channel and microsite
+ Become a content sponsor: from £1500/year to feature in our content, such as podcast, newsletter and guides.
+ Become a product investor: from £5000/year as an exclusive brand partner for new work which we cannot otherwise fund, such as our global research project.
The best work we do is in partnership with others - such as our relationships with Mind UK or NABS, where we are co-creating and supporting each others projects to reach, support, and improve experiences for people's mental health at work.
These partnerships are truly mutually beneficial, and work by us providing our expertise, and you providing yours, so there's something which helps both of our organisations. If you're keen to explore what that could look like, let's chat.
If you’re an employer - find out how you can work with Leapers to become a Freelance Friendly Business.
If you’re a community - find out how you can join our Freelance Friendly Network, to support each other in building a more supportive world for modern workers.
If you’re an individual - find out how you can support our work.