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Take a moment to focus on your own mental health at work when freelancing.

Introducing Moment - our weekly gentle nudge towards working well for the self-employed.

Whilst COVID has brought sharply into focus the importance of mental health, one of the principles which Leapers is founded upon is taking an active engagement in working well, or rather taking time to invest in yourself before issues arise. 

This proactive approach aims to not only prevent people slipping into poorer mental health where possible, but also to make your mental health plan a critical part of your business plan - not just something you think about in times of crisis, and not just something you do when you have time - but rather making it a regular habit.

Our research shows the range of potential influences and impacts upon your mental health - many of which might be surprising, invisible, infrequent or things you'd never thought about before - and of course, we don't know what we don't know. So part of our approach to supporting our members is to create regular and gentle nudges to provoke thought into a particular area or theme of conversation - usually through a very simple question. On Slack, we do this via #TheWeeklyQuestion, and over the rest of this year, we'll be launching tools to help members question and reflect on their working habits, and help them build a wellbeing plan, across a range of themes which build up the foundations of working well.

But, not all of our members are on Slack, and not everyone has time to take part in conversations online - so we always aim to make our information and interventions as accessible as possible - so this week, we're launching Moment.

Moment is a gentle weekly nudge via email, with a question or provocation upon how you work well. Based upon over three years of award winning work, insights and research from Leapers, Moment helps you reflect upon a wide range of aspects of self-employment, and help you start to make working well a critical part of your business plan. 

If you're already active in Slack, it complements the conversations we're already having. If not you're not a member of Leapers, its a way of accessing support via a different channel.

It only takes a Moment to read, it creates a Moment to reflect, and offers a Moment to invest in your own wellbeing.

Sign up at leapers.co/go/moment

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